I’m like really into Football, but they don’t got a team at my new school. But there is a Rugby team. I’ve been told that football and rugby were pretty similar, just wondering what the differences were.

Massive difference, first the eqiupment issue which is none in rugby, no forward passes, the breakdown after every tackle having to compete for the ball, no set number of Downs in rugby- you can keep the ball for as many phases as you like provided you don’t knock it on( lose the ball forward) or get peanalized.

But the biggest difference is you have to be a true athlete in rugby, 15 men on the paddock and only 7 subs which can only be subbed once during the game. If you come off the field due to injury- your game is done unless its for blood. so doing the maths if all subs get on (which they dont always) at least 8 players have to play the full 80 minutes. No offensive, defensive and special teams.

I used to play football thru school and loved it, great game. Moved to New Zealand 7 years ago and have followed rugby. Now I have to admit I think rugby’s a much better game.

Hope this helps

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2 Responses

  1. 1 colliepoodle
    2009 Aug 10

    There is no forward pass in Rugby. Other than that Rugby League is pretty similar to football. Rugby Union is another story. Better start reading up on all those rules!
    References :

  2. 2 chiefs fan
    2009 Aug 10

    Massive difference, first the eqiupment issue which is none in rugby, no forward passes, the breakdown after every tackle having to compete for the ball, no set number of Downs in rugby- you can keep the ball for as many phases as you like provided you dont knock it on( lose the ball forward) or get peanalized. But the biggest difference is you have to be a true athlete in rugby, 15 men on the paddock and only 7 subs which can only be subbed once during the game. If you come off the field due to injury- your game is done unless its for blood. so doing the maths if all subs get on (which they dont always) at least 8 players have to play the full 80 minutes. No offensive, defensive and special teams.

    I used to play football thru school and loved it, great game. Moved to New Zealand 7 years ago and have followed rugby. Now I have to admit I think rugbys a much better game. Hope this helps
    References :

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